Grigory Lvovsky (1830-1894)

Now the Powers of Heaven
By the Waters of Babylon: Hymns of Great Lent
Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary

By the Waters of Babylon: Hymns of Great Lent
Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary

In The Bond Of Love
Male Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery

Lord, have mercy
Life-Giving Wood (Feast of the Elevation of the Cross)
St. Lawrence Orthodox Chorale

Exaposteilarion for Dormition, "Apostles Assembled" (arr. of Kievan Caves Chant)
Panagia; Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
Archangel Voices
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Now All The Powers Of Heaven
Let My Prayer Be Set Forth: The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (2 CDs)
Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery

Heal Thou My Sickness
God Is With Us (3 Classic CDs in mp3 format)
Choirs of the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery and Moscow Theological Academy

Taste And See
Let My Prayer Be Set Forth: The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (2 CDs)
Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery

Now the powers of heaven
Hymns of the Russian Orthodox Church (2 CD set)
Choir of the Church of "Joy of All Sorrowful" Icon - Moscow