Miliy Balakirev (1836-1910)

BALAKIREV, Miliy Alekseyevich (b. 21 December 1836 [2 January 1837], Nizhny Novgorod; d. 16 [29] May 1910, St. Petersburg) — organizer and inspirational force behind the circle of Russian composers known as the “Mighty Handful”; in 1862, together with G. Ya. Lomakin, founded the Free Musical School in St. Petersburg, conducted its vocal-symphonic concerts, and worked with its choir. From 1883 to 1894 was the Administrator of the Imperial Court Chapel; from 1881 to 1908 again headed the Free Music School, which he had left in the 1870s. The main sphere of Balakirev’s compositional activity was instrumental music (symphonic and piano); his works also include compositions for vocal chamber ensembles, songs, secular choruses a cappella, arrangements for chorus of solo and instrumental compositions. Despite close ties with the field of church music and a personal religiosity, Balakirev composed only nine sacred works, of which five are free compositions and four are arrangements of chants.

The Angel Cried out
Beautiful Pascha (Paskha Krasnaya)
Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary

The angel cried to the Lady full of grace
Rejoice! Hymns to the Virgin Mary
St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale