Boris Ledkovsky (1894-1975)

Communion verse for Great and Holy Saturday
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.4; Great Lent and Pascha; Boris Ledkovsky
Resurrection Church of Moscow

Great Doxology
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.7
Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery

Resurrectional Irmoi, Tone 6, Odes 1, 3, 6 & 9
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.2
Choir Of The Joy Of All Who Sorrow Church In Minsk

Troparia of the Resurrection
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.3; Boris Ledkovsky: The Vigil
SS. Peter And Paul Choir, Minsk

Cherubic Hymn
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.8
Festal Choir of St. Elizabeth Monastery, Minsk, Belarus

Matins Prokeimenon,Tone 1
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.3; Boris Ledkovsky: The Vigil
SS. Peter And Paul Choir, Minsk

Paschal Canon
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.4; Great Lent and Pascha; Boris Ledkovsky
Resurrection Church of Moscow