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Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.8

Festal Choir of St. Elizabeth Monastery, Minsk, Belarus
Nun Irina (Denisova)
Russkiy Pastyr
MP3 Price: $9.99


Good selections but a thin, hyper sound by eledkovsky@hotmail.com

Posted on March 26, 2015 15:23

I love this series for its lofty aim of exposing the world to the emigration's development of Russian Orthodox music. The selections are interesting & worthy to be sung at divine services. But hmm! Seems someone took liberties with Many Years (incorrectly attributed to my father). I don't recall him re-arranging his father's composition to have only female & then male voices sing the middle section. That's not part of the original (composed by Boris, not Alexander Ledkovsky); I'd be interested to know the real source of this "arrangirovka" which strikes me as the choir director's own "interpretation" (a practice I've seen a number of Soviet-trained choirmasters employ & one that I find distasteful as an affront to the composer). I also strongly dislike the frenetic tempi of Many Years & my grandfather's Beatitudes. That said, this CD belongs in any serious collection, just because the selections are, without exception, so beautiful & worthy in & of themselves.

This, the eighth volume in the series "Chants of the Russian Emigres," marks another high point in this remarkable project, in which Russian Orthodox choirs in Russia and Belarus have been making premier recordings of many hundreds works composed by Russian church musicians forced to emigrate from their homeland during the 75 years of atheistic Communism. Coming eight years after the release of the first volume, this volume features the same conductor as the first--Irina Denisova, a prominent choral conductor and composer in Belarus, now a nun at the St Elizabeth Monastery in Minsk. Many of the singers of the SS Peter and Paul Cathedral followed their conductor to form the Festal Choir of the Monastery, having grown in the quality and maturity of their choral sound in the intervening years. There is some inspired and highly artistic singing on this CD, premiering wonderful repertoire, which is destined to become better known and take its rightful place among the masterpieces of the New Russian Choral School. As with previous volumes, the booklet is entirely bi-lingual (Russian and English) and features biographies and rare photos of these undeservedly neglected composers. Highly recommended!--V.M.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Johann Von Gardner Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent 04:54
2 Nikolai Kedroff Jr. Cherubic Hymn 05:25
3 Mikhail Konstantinov, arr. Dogmatikon, Tone 2 02:03
4 Maxime Kovalevsky Lord, Have Mercy At Exaltation Of The Cross 01:56
5 Johann von Gardner, arr. Small Doxology 02:19
6 Alexander Chesnokov Troparia Of The Resurrection "Blessed Art Thou O Lord" 04:48
7 Johann von Gardner, arr. Thou Art Most Blessed, O Virgin Theotokos 00:57
8 Boris Ledkovsky The Beatitudes 01:33
9 Mikhail Konstantinov, arr. O Come Let Us Worship 01:06
10 Johann von Gardner, arr. Trisagion 02:10
11 Boris Ledkovsky Cherubic Hymn 04:38
12 Alexander Chesnokov A Mercy Of Peace 07:27
13 Shilyaev, arr., Archpriest Pavel It Is Truly Meet 02:14
14 Zhavoronkov, arr., A. Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord 00:45
15 Boris Ledkovsky Many Years 01:03
16 Johann Von Gardner The Wise Thief 01:56
17 Boris Ledkovsky, arr. The Praises (Holy Saturday) 12:01
18 Maxime Kovalevsky, arr. Nativity Troparion, Tone 4 01:31
19 Maxime Kovalevsky, arr. Nativity Kontakion, Tone 3 00:50
20 Boris Ledkovsky, arr. Nativity Exapostilation 01:13
21 Mikhail Konstantinov The Angel Cried 02:33

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