Alexei Larin b. 1954

LARIN, Alexei—b. 18 June 1954, Saratov, Russia. Graduated from the Moscow Boys’ Kapella and the Gnessin Musical Institute (now known as the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music); on the faculty of the Gnessin Academy since 1978, full professor since 1998. Member of the Russian Composers’ Union and recipient of numerous awards, both domestic and international. As a composer, Larin specializes in the field of choral music and music for Russian folk instruments. His works have been widely performed and recorded by Russian and non-Russian soloists and ensembles. Concerning his music, the conductor of the St. Petersburg Kapella Vladislav Chernushenko has written: “What has always been attractive about his direction as a composer is the organic presence of folk-song roots, not simply added on the side, but as an essential inner element, naturally coupled with his original musical expression. Few contemporary composers have distinguished themselves as diversely and substantively in the field of choral music, which is so indigenous to Russia. In this regard, Alexei Larin deserves a special place. (Muzykal’naia zhizn’, №4, 2013).