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St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale
Dcn. Kevin Smith; Mark Bailey
SVS Press
MP3 Price: $9.99


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This CD, like its companion, I-67, represents the long-awaited resumption of liturgical music recordings from St. Vladimir’s Seminary. Both recordings demonstrate the degree to which traditional chants—Russian znamenny, Bulgarian, Byzantine, Serbian and others—have attained a position of prominence in the practice of the Seminary Chapel.


No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Common Russian Chant Come, Let Us Worship 00:58
2 Archpriest Sergei Glagolev Psalm 104 06:44
3 Romanian Chant Great Litany 02:44
4 Kievan Chant First Kathisma 02:50
5 Boris Ledkovsky Lord, I Call - Tone 2 01:52
6 Alexander Kastalsky Dogmatikon Tone 2 01:28
7 Ivan Dvoretsky Gladsome Light 01:24
8 Priest Paul Jannakos Saturday Vespers Prokeimenon - Carpathian Chant 01:56
9 Boris Ledkovsky Vouchsafe, O Lord 01:28
10 Carpatho-Rusyn "Bulgarian" Chant Litiya - Today Let the Heavens 01:47
11 Special Melody Aposticha - Rejoice, O trinity 01:02
12 Mark Bailey St. Symeon's Prayer 01:01
13 Alexander Arkhangelsky Rejoice, O Virgin 01:46
14 Russian "Athos" Chant Praise the Name of the Lord 02:32
15 Znamenny Chant Magnification 01:31
16 Boris Ledkovsky Resurrectional Evlogitaria 03:43
17 Valaam Chant Song of Ascent 01:58
18 Znamenny Chant Sunday Matins Prokeimenon 02:20
19 Boris Ledkovsky Hymn of Resurrection 02:50
20 Dmitry Yaichkov Resurrectional Canon Ode 1 00:47
21 Znamenny Chant Magnificat 04:02
22 Dmitry Yaichkov Resurrectional Canon Ode 9 00:40
23 Smith, Dcn. Kevin Exapostilarion 02:15
24 Resurrectional Theotokian of the Praises 00:44
25 Boris Ledkovsky Great Doxology 03:49
26 Nikolai Kedroff Jr. Resurrectional Matins Troparion 00:55
27 Monastery Chant Augmented Litany 03:10
28 Boris Ledkovsky Lord Have Mercy 00:27
29 The bells of Three Hierarchs Chapel 01:04

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