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Our God is in Heaven and on Earth

Various Chants and Composers

St. Symeon Orthodox Church Choir, Birmingham, Alabama
Alex Fecanin
MP3 Price: $9.99


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In this, their brand new CD, the Choir of St. Symeon the New Theologian Orthodox Church in Birmingham, Alabama, continues to demonstrate growth and maturity since their earlier CD, “Come, Bless the Lord” (cat. No. I-119). The selections on this disc continue to exhibit a bold and innovative approach to programming on the part of the conductor, featuring seven more works never before adapted into English. The choir is able to handle challenging music, with many divided parts, without any apparent difficulty. The CD demonstrates what a dedicated parish choir, in a city that is by no means a “center” of Orthodox culture, but which has been nurtured and developed over a number of years, is capable of achieving—truly an inspiration to all Orthodox choir directors in North America. 



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Ton Dhespotin
2 Alexander Kastalsky Bless the Lord, O MySoul
3 Traditional Blessed is the Man
4 Anonymous (17th c.) O Gladsome Light
5 Dmitry Yaichkov Magnificat
6 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Second Antiphon
7 Serbian Chant Holy God
8 Traditional Prokeimenon of Palm Sunday
9 Pavel Chesnokov Cherubic Hymn (Staro-Siminovo Chant)
10 Model Melody It is Truly Meet (Podoben "By the Waves of the Sea")
11 Alexander Kastalsky Litany Before the Lord's Prayer (Znamenny)
12 Boris Ledkovsky Pre-Communion Hymns (Kievan)
13 St. Symeon's Pre-Communion Prayer
14 Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov Come, Bless the Lord
15 Georgian Chant Receive the Body of Christ
16 Nikolai Kedroff Jr. Receive the Body of Christ
17 Evstafy Azeyev Receive the Body of Christ
18 Novgorod St. Sophic Cathedral Melody We Have Seen the True Light; Litany
19 Soroka, Glagolev, Yaichkov Blessed Be the Name; Psalm 33
20 A. Kastorsky Magnification of St. Symeon; Troparion St. Symeon
21 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Memorial Liturgy Communion Hymn
22 Pavel Chesnokov It is Truly Meet
23 The First Stasis
24 Byzantine Chant Our God is in Heaven and on Earth (Tone 7)
25 Alexander Kastalsky God Grant You Many Years

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CD Price: $15.98
MP3 Price: $9.99
I-119_search Various Chants and Composers Come, Bless the Lord

Various Chants and Composers

St. Symeon Orthodox Church Choir, Birmingham, Alabama

Alex Fecanin


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