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O Fervent Intercessor: Hymns to the Mother of God

Various Composers

Choirs of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Theological Academy
Archimandrite Matfey (Mormyl')
Holy Trinity St. Sergius Monastery
MP3 Price: $9.99


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The Choir of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery, under the direction of the late Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl (1938-2009), has been the carrier of a venerable tradition of Russian liturgical singing for some forty years. During his long career, Father Matfey himself has been an elemental force as a conductor, composer, and arranger. His achievements have been duly celebrated in numerous CD releases, which have appeared in our catalog. Now his complete recordings have been re-released on 6 re-mastered mp3 discs, arranged by liturgical services and themes: the present one focuses on Hymns to the Mother of God. This is an entirely different presentation and contains archival material not available elsewhere. The beautiful accompanying booklet is in Russian only, as is the PC and Mac compatible media player. --V. M.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Valaam Chant Do Not Entrust Me to Human Intercession
2 Znamenny Chant Apostles Assembled Here
3 Russian "Greek" Chant The Mother of God Stands in the Church Today
4 Alexander Kastalsky Open to Us the Doors of Thy Mercy
5 Church Bells - Call to Worship
6 Dmitry Bortniansky Let Us Offer Sacred Songs; With the Voice of the Archangel
7 Lesser Znamenny Chant Revealing to Thee the Eternal Council
8 Znamenny Chant Quiet Shelter
9 Bulgarian Chant Joy of All the Sorrowful
10 Church Bells - Festive Ringing
11 Znamenny Chant Blessed Is Our God; O Heavenly King
12 Russian "Greek" Chant The Lord Is God
13 Valaam Chant Let Us Fervently Beseech
14 Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery Chant Having Passed through the Sea - Ode 1
15 Kievan Chant Little Litany
16 Bulgarian Chant Steadfast Protectress of Christians
17 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody To Thee, O Victorious Leader
18 Sarov Hermitage Chant Paraklesis Canon - Ikos 1, Kondak 2, Ikos 11, Kondak 13
19 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody O Mother Worthy of All Praise
20 Bulgarian Chant To Thee, O Victorious Leader
21 Znamenny Chant Prokimenon
22 Gospel (Luke 1: 39-48, 56)
23 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Glory, now and ever Through the Prayers
24 Kievan Chant O God, Save; Lord, Have Mercy
25 Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery Chant Thee, Who Art Truly the Mother of God - Ode 9
26 Staro-Simonov Monastery Melody It Is Truly Fitting
27 Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery Chant Let Us Praise Her Who Is Higher than the Heavens
28 Kievan Chant Litany of Supplication
29 Zosima Hermitage Chant My Queen Most Blessed
30 Znamenny Chant We Magnify You, O Most Holy Virgin
31 Kievan Chant Dismissal
32 Church Bells - Festive Ringing
33 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov From Your Sweet Voice
34 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov All of Creation Rejoices
35 Church Bells - Festive Holiday Ringing
36 Viranovsky, N. G. From Your Holy Icon
37 Optina Hermitage Chant O Most Glorious Wonder
38 Znamenny Chant You Were Revealed to Be the Mother - Dogmatikon Tone 7
39 Znamenny Chant Sticheron for the Dormition
40 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody O Wondrous Miracle
41 Optina Hermitage Chant You Are Most Blessed, O Virgin Theotokos
42 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody Joseph Was Amazed - Kathisma Hymn
43 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Rejoice O Virgin
44 Alexander Nikolsky Revealing to Thee the Eternal Council
45 Znamenny Chant How Shall We Not Wonder - Dogmatikon Tone 3
46 Tsar Feodor's Melody It Is Truly Fitting
47 Znamenny Chant I, O Holy Virgin
48 Every Sadness Goes away Today
49 I. A. Maslov Open to Us the Doors of Thy Mercy
50 O Fervent Intercessor
51 Church Bells - Festive Holiday Ringing
52 Church Bells - Festive Holiday Ringing
53 Kievan Chant O Heavenly King
54 Synodal Choir Chant Today, Let Us the Faithful (Troparion to Kazan Icon)
55 Moscow Melody Most Holy Mother of God, Save Us
56 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody Chosen by the Eternal King (Akathist)
57 Akathist Kontakion 12
58 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody O Mother Worthy of All Praise
59 Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery Chant Chosen by the Eternal King (Akathist Troparion)
60 Valaam Chant Prokimenon
61 Gospel
62 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl When Comes the End of all Times
63 Moscow Melody Most Holy Mother of God, Save Us
64 Let All Those Born on Earth
65 Monastery Melody Litany of Supplication
66 Monastery Melody My Queen Most Blessed
67 Dismissal
68 Bulgarian Chant Today the Virgin Gives Birth
69 Crimson (Malinovy) Bell Ringing
70 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody To Thee, O Victorious Leader
71 Lesser Znamenny Chant Revealing to Thee the Eternal Council
72 Hieromonk Nafanail Bochkalo It Is Truly Fitting
73 Znamenny Chant We Magnify You, O Most Holy Virgin

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