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Akathist to the Divine Passions of Christ (2 CDs)

Male Choir of the Representation Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery
Vladimir Gorbik
Representation Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery
MP3 Price: $15.99


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This recording of the Lenten Vespers with the Akathist to the Passions of Christ is a unique example of this service in our catalog. Originally modeled after the remembrance of the "Stations of the Cross" in the Western Church, the "Passion" Service, introduced into Orthodox use in the seventeenth century by Metropolitan Peter Mogila (+1647), has now become a traditional aspect of Lenten celebrations in many parts of the Orthodox world. Served on four occasions in the course of Great Lent it prepares the faithful for the Holy Week remembrances of Christ's suffering and crucifixion by using some of the same hymns and Gospel readings that will be heard later on Holy Friday and Saturday. The fine Male Choir of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery Representation Church (Metochion) is heard here in a live recording, which draws upon the finest liturgical chant arrangements employed in the musical practices of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery--works by Kastalsky, Archimandrite Matthew (Mormyl), and Deacon Sergius Trubachov. The booklet contains titles and an introductory article in Russian and English; no text translations are given.--V.M.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
101 Chanter Psalm 103 03:52
102 Ozerov, N. Great Litany 04:05
103 Kievan Chant Lord, I Have Cried Unto Thee... 04:29
104 Kievan Chant Stanzas From the Lenten Triodion 03:39
105 Kievan Chant Stanzas From The Menaion 04:15
106 Alexander Kastalsky, arr. The Shadow Of The Law Passed Away... 02:30
107 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl O Gladsome Light 01:45
108 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Great Prokeimenon;Turn Not Away Thy Face From Thy Servant... 05:52
109 Chanter Vouchsafe, O Lord 00:53
110 Valaam Chant Litany Of Supplication 04:03
111 Kievan Chant Stanzas for Verses From the Triodion 03:53
112 Archpriest Pyotr Turchaninov He Who Clothes Himself In Light as with a Garment... 07:17
201 Ozerov, N. Kontakion 1, "O Chieftain-Warrior And Lord..." 03:16
202 Common Russian Chant Ikos 1 - Kontakion 13, Ikos 1 31:28
203 Common Russian Chant Kontakion 1, "O Chieftan-Warrior And Lord..." 02:10
204 Common Russian Chant They Parted My Garments Among Them.. 02:31
205 Priest, Reading From The Gospel 03:53
206 Common Russian Chant Litany Of Fervent Supplication 01:41
207 Priest, Prayer 02:11
208 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Today...He Is Hung Upon The Cross 04:31
209 Common Russian Chant With The Archangel, O Ye Faithful, Let Us Praise... 01:07
210 Chanter Lord, Now Lettest Thou... 01:42
211 Solovetsk and Valaam Monastery Chant Hail, O Virgin Birth-Giver Of God... 04:45
212 Priest, Prayer Of St. Ephraim Of Syria 00:28
213 Priest, Dismissal 01:58

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